Elections should work for everyone.
Every person qualified to vote, regardless of party or lack of party, should have the right to participate in any election as a voter or a candidate.
At a time when many Americans are concerned about the health of our election system, our coalition was formed to educate voters about how Arizona’s voting system currently operates. Join us as we explore alternative primary structures that could make our system work better for ALL Arizonans.
Save Democracy AZ needs your help today, join the discussion!
Let’s first admit our electoral system no longer
represents the people.
The Modern Myth of Representative Democracy
Our elections should work for all Arizonans, not just those registered to a party. All Arizona voters must be treated equally-- it’s time we refresh our democracy.
The current system is not working
At almost every level of government, progress and civility has been thwarted by partisan actors who work for political parties instead of the people. It’s time to end the divisiveness.
We need an even playing field
All candidates (including Independents) have a right to be treated equally regardless of whether they affiliate with a party or not. Any qualified voter should have the right to participate in all elections.
Arizona has a tradition of open elections
Arizona has a tradition of open elections: Cities and towns across Arizona successfully use non-partisan elections. They have a great deal of success in solving problems and have much higher approval ratings than Congress or the legislature.